Our neighborhood against partner violence
about the project
StoP is the project "Stadtteile ohne Partnergewalt", which means "Neighbourhoods without Partner Violence" and supports people in the neighbourhood who want to show civil courage and show solidarity with women affected by partner violence.
StoP has been running in various neighbourhoods in several German cities since 2010.
Violence in partnerships/domestic violence occurs every day - in all social classes.
The victims are mainly women. Partner violence destroys the health and lives of all involved. The problem is that we talk about it too rarely, be it out of shame, fear or insecurity. Or because we believe it is a private matter.
But violence is not a private matter, it is
a violation of human rights!

Team StoP Kreuzberg
StoP Kreuzberg - Stadtteile ohne Partnergewalt
Jahnstraße 4 . 10967 Berlin
Carla Miranda Contreras,
Melanie Lenk (zur Zeit in Elternzeit)
& Saskia Kühn

How does StoP support?
We want to encourage people not to keep quiet about or tolerate partner violence.
And we want to support people in getting help or giving help to others.
StoP starts where partner violence happens: at home, in the neighbourhood.
StoP exists when people become active together. That means you and me and others we know or can still get to know.
StoP shows how those affected and their social environment can change something.
StoP brings the issue into the public sphere of the district in an inventive way.
StoP brings people together, weaves networks in the neighbourhood.
StoP is about non-violence and for equality in marriage and partnership and in society.