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the danger is acute? here you will find help

 Every third woman in Germany will at least once in her life

be a victim of partner violence. We often suspect it. Intervening is not easy, but

looking away is not a solution. Partner violence is not a private matter!


StoP Kreuzberg
Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße 

Jahnstrasse 4
10967 Berlin

What is StoP? In a nutshell:

StoP is the project "Stadtteile ohne Partnergewalt", which means "Neighbourhoods without Partner Violence" and supports people in the neighbourhoods who want to show civil courage and show solidarity with women affected by partner violence. StoP has been active in various neighbourhoods in several German cities since 2010.

Partner violence/domestic violence occurs every day - in all social spheres. The victims are mainly women. Partner violence destroys the health and lives of all involved. The problem is that we talk about it too rarely, be it out of shame, fear or insecurity. Or because we believe it is a private matter.

But: Violence is not a private matter, it is a human rights violation!

To find help:

In case of acute violence:
Call 110!

Are you a victim or would you like to support? 



Help hotline "Violence against women"
08000 116 016

Berlin Initiative against Violence against Women - BIG Hotline:
030 - 611 03 00
every day 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Outpatient clinic for the prevention of violence ("Gewaltschutzambulanz")
at Charité Berlin 
030 450 570 270
Birkenstr. 62, House N, 10559 Berlin

We use women/girls without * and include all people who identify as women/are read as female.


By partner violence we mean violence perpetrated by male-identified persons, which originates in relation to partners and ex-partners. It is usually perpetrated in the home, often systematically over a long period of time. 

StoP© ist ein urheberrechtlich geschütztes Konzept und wurde von Sabine Stövesand, HAW Hamburg, entwickelt.

funded by:

StoP Kreuzberg
Jahnstrasse 4
10967 Berlin

© 2023 StoP Kreuzberg. 

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